Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) – uses vehicle density input as received from vehicle detection sensors in the form of inductive loop, Camera or RADAR. This real time traffic density information is then used to optimized GREEN Time/CYCLE Time for efficient signal operation. Traffic density information from each junction is transmitted to remote command and control centre where all these data is analyzed through various optimizers namely, split, offset & cycle time optimizes to arrive at and optimized Green/Cycle time for an entire corridor or area, to achieve signal coordination. The major building blocks of ATCS Solutions are Adaptive Traffic Controller, Vehicle Detection Sensor, Network Connectivity and ATCS Control Room Software.


CoSiCoSt – Composite Signal Control Strategy is an Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) control room software developed by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC). CoSiCoSt responds to changes in traffic patterns in real-time.Continuously detect vehicular traffic volume, compute "optimal" signal timings based on this detected volume and simultaneously implement them at the traffic junction.This results in reduced delays, shorter queues and decreased travel times.

TraMM – Traffic Management & Monitoring ATCS Control Room Software is used to configure each individual junction and the entire network map.TraMM Application provide facility to attach suitable tags for each component in the frame. Based on the field parameter, selected components gets animated. 

Monitoring Components -Arrows, value, pedestrian, counter and traffic lamp components are used to monitor the traffic flow.

Control Components - Push Button component is used for controlling the junction for remote administration.


ATCS Command & Control Centrehelps in monitoring of Vehicular Traffic within the city for its effective management through Adaptive Traffic Control System(ATCS).

Command & Control Centre allows - 

•    Editing, creation & uploading of Traffic parameters. 
•    Ensures close co-ordination with Police and other agencies.
•    Provides traffic management and coordination for events & works.    

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